Bursa Kerja
PR Manager PT Hey Fish Indonesia Tangerang
IDR 10.000.000 - IDR 20.000.000
Ditayangkan pada 15-Oct-21
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Main Responsibility
ombine social and industry hotspots, explore in-depth topics suitable for local media communication, and help brand reputation; Regularly export brand-like communication materials, and cooperate with local media in soft text to directly disseminate brand advantages; Maintain good customer relationships with local media and regularly organize media visits and events; Participate in the implementation of some public relations projects (such as exhibitions, conferences, etc.)
Participate in marketing projects and write various products for public relations communication materials; Crisis public relations management
Right Scare
The right to review the external brand image, the dominance of PR suppliers, and the supervision of public relations activities,the right to work on other assistance departments within the project;
Responsible for the progress of the docking work related to the media, institutions and celebrities
Responsibility for maintaining good media relations
Responsibility for marketing work assistance
Responsibility for project work assistance
More than three years of PR work experienc; Trained in marketing, negotiation skills, public relations processing, and brand operations;
Familiar with the development of the vape industry and the company, familiar with the development trend of the company's core products, product features, competitive strategies and the strengths and weaknesses of competitor products. Has strong negotiation skills; has strong ability in writing, management and communication; has media resources and has a certain social status;
Informasi Tambahan
Tingkat Pekerjaan
Manajer/Asisten Manajer
Sarjana (S1), Diploma Pascasarjana, Gelar Professional, Magister (S2)
Pengalaman Kerja
Lebih dari 20 Tahun
Jenis Pekerjaan
Penuh Waktu
Spesialisasi Pekerjaan
Seni/Media/Komunikasi, Hubungan Masyarakat
Tentang Perusahaan
PT. HEY FISH INDONESIA adalah perusahan yang bergerak dibidang Retail dan Wholesle produk rokok elektrik dan liquid rokok elektrik sejak tahun 2021. Dengan brand Image bernama "JOIWAY" perusahaan kami sudah cukup dikenal dikalangan Vapers.
Tidak menjual di bawah usia 21 tahun.
Mendaur ulang dan merendahkan untuk melindungi lingkungan untuk memastikan pembangunan berkelanjutan.
Berkomitmen untuk pengurangan dampak buruk, bersatu dengan institusi medis, dan merumuskan klausul penghentian merokok yang tertib.
Amal dan kesejahteraan umum, dan melakukan yang terbaik untuk meningkatkan masalah mata pencaharian masyarakat lokal.
Informasi Tambahan Perusahaan
No. Registrasi
Ukuran Perusahaan
51 - 200 pekerja
Tunjangan dan Lain-lain
Tip, Asuransi kesehatan, Parkir, Waktu regular, Senin - Jumat, Kasual (contoh: Kaos)
BSD City
dilansir dari https://www.jobstreet.co.id/

- DPD Golkar Kabupaten Tangerang Gelar Vaksiasi Tahap 2, Warga Merasa Terbantu
- Mantan Ketua GMNI Banten Siap Pimpin DPD KNPI Kabupaten Tangerang
- Polres Serang Kota Bekuk Pelaku Pecah Kaca, Dua Lainnya Kabur
- Arief Ingatkan ASN Untuk Kesampingkan Ego Sektoral
- Tuntut Kapolresta Tangerang Mundur, Aksi Mahasiswa Dihalau Polisi